Marketing – Musat & Partners

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Musat & Partners is a law firm from Timisoara, Romania, which offers not only legal services in many languages of international circulation, but also consultancy and accountancy.

Besides developing the entire visual identity of the legal office, Green Roua also developed the marketing and communication strategy. These concreted in Google Adwords campaigns and in constant article writing on the official website of the law firm and their promotion on social platforms.

The social media communication was based on regular article posts the official Facebook profile of the law firm (and Google +), which led to a huge increase of the visitors on the News page. The news of large interest had the highest impact of over 260 monthly visits, the site having about 1500 visitors monthly without an Adwords campaign. The News page became the second most accessed page after the Home page.

The general impact and the feedback of the public are very positive, and all the website statistics have increased considerably since I started writing articles for the legal office. After reviewing the impact of the content marketing I managed, I came to the conclusion that content writing at least tripled the monthly visits and the unique visitors of the website.

Regarding the paid advertising, the Google Adwords campaigns conceived by us were also very efficient. These brought an increase of the visitors and the visits of the website, but, more important, an increase of the visitors which turned into clients.

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