In order for a marketing strategy to be successful it must be made an initial analysis of the needs that market has, its financial situation, the development level it has reached and of all the characteristics that could have an impact on the decision of the potential clients.
Because Decathlon Romania has established new strategies for the development of the company, in which have been mentioned new ways to enlarge the actual list of suppliers, it was necessary to make a market research for Romania’s marketplace, and the development potential for their suppliers.
The market research realized for Decathlon Romania is very complex and gathers various segments, such as: a general presentation of Romania (geographic, demographic, industrial, and political data), SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), financial analysis ( the average salaries for Romania, the unemployment rate, the price of industrial lands, industrial properties, and the prices for renting industrial spaces), an analysis of transport ways (roads, highways, airports and ports), the industrial history of Romania, an analysis of taxes and tax rates, an analysis of production costs, an analysis of raw materials in Romania comparing with European prices for raw materials, and an estimation of future raw materials costs in Romania.